Fatal Flaws Lead to Changes
With February ending so does the February launch and how I previously ran things. I realized a fatal flaw I created while creating a video on where the profit from the collection goes. I was averaging $225 a month in just books without tax or shipping being a factor ($15 per book × 3 copies × 5 authors). At the end of the year, it would be about $2,700 in support for Indie Authors which is amazing, but my business wouldn't be able to reach the goals that I have planned for this year. So, I pivoted. Instead of just buying multiple copies from authors that don’t follow me back or interact with anything I post I have created a tier system in hopes to increase engagement and hopefully help get the shop where I want it to be by the end of the year.
For those who are new, not in discord, or show little to no interaction with the shop. I give them tier 1.
- 1 paperback in the shop
- 1 promotional post a week for the month the book gets added
- A listing in the post catalog
For those who followed the shop back and are helpful in the discord or like and/or share shop posts (could even be just re-sharing your book posts to your story every once in a while). This tier is basically how the shop was previously running with a few changes. I give them tier 2.
- 2-3 paperbacks in the shop
- 1 promotional post a week for the month the book gets added
- A synopsis reel
- A listing in the post catalog
- Half page in the print catalog
For those who have gone above and beyond not only in discord but outside of it and are the embodiment of what I want the shop to be (helpful and supportive). I give them tier 3.
- 4+ copies in the shop (mix of paperbacks and hardcovers)
- A post or reel will be created at least once every month.
(most likely will be more but keeping promises low in case I get burnt out of ideas)
- Listing in the post catalog
- Full page in the Print catalog
- Custom sprayed edges (if you want them of course)
- Book merch that might turn into a book box (also optional to you)
- Access to an ARC channel in discord (currently working out the mechanics of it)
- Funding will be saved towards commissioning artwork, editing, and ads.
Everything is subject to change and if it does, I will let everyone know. The purpose for giving the added benefits of joining the discord is so when a change happens or if there is an update with a launch, I can reach out better without having to private message 12 different people or lose a conversation as easily.
The Discord I have created is for all the independent authors I have in the collection to network, help each other grow and to keep up to date with Salient Books. It has been the most fun and helpful community I have ever got the honor to be a part of. Full of some of the most supportive and inspiring people I have ever met, they make my job feel like the kind of family reunion you see in movies. Complete chaos but in the best of ways. We laugh, we cry, and we lift each other up. Every single day. It is insane to think it has only been 2 months because these authors have shown more support in my dream than I have ever received in my entire life. I cannot wait to see how the shop grows this month.
Side Note: I have almost reached most of my following goals for the year.
Instagram 313/500
Threads 455/500
Facebook 112/100 follows and 37/50 likes.
YouTube 6/10
Tik Tok 37/50
If you would like to help reach these goals, you can follow me @SalientBooks on all socials.